Release the Illusion of Separation and Embody Your True Divine Self
3 Day Whole Mind, Body, Spirit Reset | August 20-22, 2021
Special Rock Star Discount – 80% Off

A Note from
Rikka Zimmerman
Have you been on the personal development path for years and yet every time you think you’ve finally made progress an old pattern shows back up and traps you in limitation? And with our current world, it can be even more challenging to stay on the path with the influence of the collective consciousness.
You think, “Great, I’m finally done with this limitation!” Like not having an abundance of money, not attracting a partner or not making healthy choices for your body– only to find that next month you can’t pay your rent, your partner still hasn’t shown up, and you’re binge watching Netflix with a bag of potato chips?
When you feel yourself going in circles, despite your best effort and spiritual practice, it means core patterns are resurfacing and repeating.
So many of us (including myself at one point) stumble through life, operating on unconscious core patterns from our past, wondering what we’re doing wrong and why it’s so hard to create the growth and expansion we so badly want and need.
And because core patterns are locked away in our unconscious, it’s nearly impossible to clear them on our own. How can you change something you aren’t even aware of?!
So when you find yourself circling through the same behavioral pattern or situation — like always feeling unfulfilled or attracting the wrong person–then you know you are falling victim to an unconscious core pattern.
These patterns can be fierce which is exactly why I’m dedicating 3 days of activation, facilitation and energy work to guide you through a total clearing of your unconscious core patterns.
After just three days you will be a completely new person on a cellular level. You will leave the workshop with the tools to continue setting yourself free from any core pattern that is locked away in your unconscious. You’ll learn how to bring them into your consciousness to end these patterns for good!
Decoding Your Unconscious
Join Us for 3 Days of Powerful Facilitation, Realignment Activations, Energy Transmissions, Sound Healings and more!
Event Dates & Schedule
August 20 – 22, 2021
(The below schedule is subject to slight changes as we draw closer to the event.)
8:30 am
9:30 am – 1:30 pm Pacific
Morning facilitation with Rikka
1:30 pm – 4:30 pm Pacific
Lunch & Reflection
4:30 pm – 6:45 pm Pacific
Evening facilitation with Rikka
9:30 am – 1:30 pm Pacific
Morning facilitation with Rikka
1:30 pm – 4:30 pm Pacific
Lunch & Reflection
4:30 pm – 6:45 pm Pacific
Evening facilitation with Rikka
9:30 am – 1:30 pm Pacific
Morning facilitation with Rikka
1:30 pm – 4:30 pm Pacific
Lunch & Reflection
4:30 pm – 6:45 pm Pacific
Evening facilitation with Rikka
Get all the pieces of the puzzle to rewrite your core programs
Powerful Facilitation
Experience powerful transformation as you laugh, learn, and play as Rikka guides you to rewrite your unconscious core programs. Once you have reached total deprogramming, we can then consciously install Source Code. Each retreat is tailored specifically to the energy of the participants and this is where you will make some of your biggest breakthroughs and transformations.
Rikka will guide you into your own Divine, sacred nature – opening your intuition and unleashing the magnificent light within you so you can transform your core patterns so you can easily receive wealth, health, relationships and overall happiness.
Energy Transmission
Rikka has a unique ability to work directly with your energy no matter where you are in the world; empowering you to experience lasting expansion and growth. Her gift as a transformational energy alchemist will advance your process of shedding your outdated beliefs and guide you into the highest frequency of Love and into the highest expression of yourself.
Ceremonial Empowerments & Energy Exercises
Embody and deepen the teachings through powerful meditations, sound healings, and energetic toninings – all with the help of our angelic realms!
Choose Your Attendance
In Person
Spend 3 remarkable days with Rikka LIVE in stunning Sedona, Arizona. Experience the potency of the in person vibration, meet your Soul Family and have a total immersion experience. Bring a friend for FREE!
Livestream Broadcast
Join this amazing event by participating via Livestream on your favorite device. Experience the magic from the comfort of your home if you can't be with us in person!
When You Register To Attend In Person, You BRING A FRIEND FOR FREE!
(Note: “Bring A Friend For Free” does not apply to the Livestream option.)
Let’s exponentially spread abundance throughout the world therefore upgrading the vibration of the collective consciousness!
There is miraculous power that occurs when we come together.
Because of our natural abilities to love, support and nurture unconditionally– we not only help heal and lift each other up, we also send this incredible vibration out into the world.
(After you register, you will receive an email in the upcoming days to RSVP your friend. Start asking around NOW!)

You Will Join Us In Community at the Stunning Performing Arts Center in Majestic Sedona, Arizona
Sedona Performing Arts Center
995 Upper Red Rock Loop Rd
Sedona, AZ 86336
(928) 204-6766
* You will be responsible for making your own travel & accommodation arrangements. Travel, lodging, and food are not included in the event price. *
What people say about class with Rikka

My life will never be the same and I am more in touch with the love, light and joy that is me and my purpose on planet earth than I have ever been and wow, I am feeling it more and more every day!!!
I have been on the transformational path for 5 years and after much searching, seeking and striving this has finally brought me home…to me.
Melissa Bradley, founder of Love Your Magical Life
Before I left I wasn’t able to pay my rent and travel expenses, now my rent is flowing in with kindness, love and appreciation from old clients and new. I love my life! It’s so much fun being an angel Hugs and appreciate beyond words to all of you.
Deni, Marietta, GA

I released so much stress and tension in this class; I feel I have been lifted into a whole new way of being.

I learned that I love that warm, beautiful, precious tender self that I have always been, I just forgot. I know now how to surrender to the depths of my infinite self to bring me into total love. I feel so much more spacious, loving, self-loving, present, and purpose filled.

I experienced a divine homecoming and disintegration of the illusionary blocks and integration of my real loving, angelic essence.

I received so much from this class! What I loved most is seeing my true self-divine love being, one with all, one with god. I feel total bliss and peace, and love. total love.

Before this class, I had low self-esteem and lived in a very small, quiet box and didn’t allow many people in. As a result of this class, I feel complete and total forgiveness of my parents. I feel as though I’m bursting with love and complete acceptance for myself and others and a deep sense of connection with other people and my guides and angels.

Rikka is so powerful and full of knowing, guidance and LOVE. I felt so loved in this class by her and all the others, more than I’ve felt in a millenium. I feel lighter, clearer, and more whole; I have me back!!

In this class, I opened the highway to heaven and met and experienced and embodied god. I came home to me in this class and it feels so great and possible to stay here infinitely.

I have moved into so much more love – being love and receiving love. The pain in my body has reduced and I am open and receptive.
When you finally unlock these Unconscious, Subconscious and Conscious levels of core patterns you will be liberated from the automatic energetic limitations that are keeping you from manifesting the life you truly desire.
You will notice that the core pattern and it’s energetic counter-parts have disappeared and you will finally be free!
Don’t miss this opportunity to…
Choose Your Attendance
In Person
Spend 3 remarkable days with Rikka LIVE in stunning Sedona, Arizona. Experience the potency of the in person vibration, meet your Soul Family and have a total immersion experience. Bring a friend for FREE!
Livestream Broadcast
Join this amazing event by participating via Livestream on your favorite device. Experience the magic from the comfort of your home if you can't be with us in person!
Our Refund & Transfer Policy:
It is my deepest knowing that you will receive massive value and transformation from this 3-day event. Therefore we are not offering cash back refunds. However, if something should arise and you cannot attend the IN PERSON event only (Livestream does not apply), you may transfer your “Rewriting Your 6 Essential Energetic Patterns” event to a friend or colleague. Please email [email protected] no later than August 15, 2021 at Noon Pacific requesting the transfer with the full name and email of the recipient. This is a one time transfer and does not apply to future events. We hope to see you at the event!
COVID-19 Guidelines:
Due to the inherent risks and continued uncertainties that exist surrounding COVID-19 and its potential new variants, we remain focused on your health and safety as a priority. Therefore, we continue to follow the CDC, state, and local guidelines and regulations applicable at the time and location of our event.
We ask that you review the information contained within the website link below (concerning Arizona Department of Health COVID guidelines), including the identification of possible COVID-19 symptoms so that you are able to make timely and up-to-date decisions concerning your health and safety around the time of the event.
We ask that you adhere to these guidelines. Please do not attend if you are not feeling well and/or have symptoms before travel. Also, do not attend if someone in your household or someone with whom you have had close exposure has COVID-19 or COVID-like symptoms before your travel.
In addition to the above guidelines, we will also be offering the option of a separate seating section for those who wish to remain socially-distanced and/or wear a face covering. We specifically offer this social-distancing section for you to choose based on the knowledge that certain attendees may not be fully vaccinated at the time of the event.
Assumption of Risk
By attending the in-person event, you recognize that there is an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 in any public place where people are present. You also recognize that exposure to COVID-19 could occur during your travel to and from the in-person event. By attending the event, you agree to voluntarily and knowingly assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19. Further, you agree to waive and release Adventure In Oneness LLC/Life Transformed LLC, their owners, employees, staff, agents, and other representatives, from any claim, assertion, or other liability arising from alleged exposure to COVID-19 or any illness or other ill health condition occurring during or following these series of events in Sedona, AZ, August 19-28, 2021, including, but not limited to, the waiver and release of all claims based on negligence in cleaning or safety procedures implemented by Adventure in Oneness LLC/Life Transformed LLC, their owners, employees, staff, agents, and other representatives.
A Special Thank You
We want everyone to feel safe, healthy, and happy while attending our events, and we thank you in advance for following these guidelines – for yourself and on behalf of everyone else in attendance. If any issue should arise before or during the Sedona event that makes you feel unsafe or at risk, we ask that you reach out to a member of our staff immediately, so that we have the opportunity to investigate and resolve any situation or concern.