Get access to three powerful days recently Livestreamed from stunning Sedona, Arizona
Removing The 6 Core Limiting Beliefs That Keep You From Living Your True Sovereignty
3 Day Whole Mind, Body, Spirit Reset | Sedona, Arizona
August 19-21, 2022- Livestream Replays Available!
These recordings expire on September 23, 2022.
Experience the 1st Lesson from Day One of Our Live Class in Sedona “Embracing the Power & Freedom of Quantum Consciousness
A Note from
Rikka Zimmerman
Do you ever suffer from things just happening to you? For example, you just feel sad, anxious or negative and you don’t know why?
When things just “happen” to you that you didn’t choose, you are inside of the Ego’s “about Universe” of separation. In this space, you are unconsciously playing the victim.
You may not even fully realize the extent of freedom and power that you have lost to the Ego program.
Every mood, every automatic feeling, every negative thought, even every positive thought that you didn’t choose… will victimize you.
The answer to becoming untrapped in the Ego’s “about Universe ” is to awaken and align with the dormant power of Source inside you.
And during our time together, I will show you how!

Get ready to take your power back from the Ego program so that you can be FREE to live in the Universe of Your Choice!
What if we could shift your consciousness from unconsciously becoming a victim to being empowered to choose your experience.
You are the creator. You are the zero point. Whatever you say goes. Your consciousness is everything.
Join me in community, where we are going to take a deep dive into Reclaiming Your True Sovereignty in stunning Sedona, Arizona,
These recordings expire on September 23, 2022.
Join Us for 3 Days of Powerful Facilitation, Realignment Activations, Energy Transmissions, Sound Healings and more!
Powerful Facilitation
Experience powerful transformation as you laugh, learn, and play as Rikka guides you to remove your limiting beliefs and stand in your true sovereignty. Once you have reached total deprogramming, we can then consciously install Source Code. Each retreat is tailored specifically to the energy of the participants and this is where you will make some of your biggest breakthroughs and transformations.
Rikka will guide you into your own Divine, sacred nature – opening your intuition and unleashing the magnificent light within you so you can transform your limiting beliefs so you can easily receive wealth, health, relationships and overall happiness.
Energy Transmission
Rikka has a unique ability to work directly with your energy no matter where you are in the world; empowering you to experience lasting expansion and growth. Her gift as a transformational energy alchemist will advance your process of shedding your outdated beliefs and guide you into the highest frequency of Love and into the highest expression of yourself.
Ceremonial Empowerments & Energy Exercises
Embody and deepen the teachings through powerful meditations, sound healings, and energetic toninings – all with the help of our angelic realms!
What people say about class with Rikka

My life will never be the same and I am more in touch with the love, light and joy that is me and my purpose on planet earth than I have ever been and wow, I am feeling it more and more every day!!!
I have been on the transformational path for 5 years and after much searching, seeking and striving this has finally brought me home…to me.
Melissa Bradley, founder of Love Your Magical Life
Before I left I wasn’t able to pay my rent and travel expenses, now my rent is flowing in with kindness, love and appreciation from old clients and new. I love my life! It’s so much fun being an angel Hugs and appreciate beyond words to all of you.
Deni, Marietta, GA

I released so much stress and tension in this class; I feel I have been lifted into a whole new way of being.

I learned that I love that warm, beautiful, precious tender self that I have always been, I just forgot. I know now how to surrender to the depths of my infinite self to bring me into total love. I feel so much more spacious, loving, self-loving, present, and purpose filled.

I experienced a divine homecoming and disintegration of the illusionary blocks and integration of my real loving, angelic essence.

I received so much from this class! What I loved most is seeing my true self-divine love being, one with all, one with god. I feel total bliss and peace, and love. total love.

Before this class, I had low self-esteem and lived in a very small, quiet box and didn’t allow many people in. As a result of this class, I feel complete and total forgiveness of my parents. I feel as though I’m bursting with love and complete acceptance for myself and others and a deep sense of connection with other people and my guides and angels.

Rikka is so powerful and full of knowing, guidance and LOVE. I felt so loved in this class by her and all the others, more than I’ve felt in a millenium. I feel lighter, clearer, and more whole; I have me back!!

In this class, I opened the highway to heaven and met and experienced and embodied god. I came home to me in this class and it feels so great and possible to stay here infinitely.

I have moved into so much more love – being love and receiving love. The pain in my body has reduced and I am open and receptive.
Get ready to take your power back from the Ego program so that you can be FREE to live in the Universe of Your Choice!
When you finally unlock these Unconscious, Subconscious and Conscious levels of core patterns you will be liberated from the automatic energetic limitations that are keeping you from manifesting the life you truly desire.
You will notice that the core pattern and it’s energetic counter-parts have disappeared and you will finally be free!
Don’t miss this opportunity to…
These recordings expire on September 23, 2022.