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The Abundant Life Blueprint
Activate the Abundance Frequency of Your True Self
Release the Limitations that Have Been Holding You Back &
Be Who YOU Came Here to Be
Sydney, Australia | November 15th – 17th, 2019
Countdown to Transformation:

A Note from
Rikka Zimmerman
Are You Inadvertently Blocking Yourself From Receiving More Abundance?
So many of us (including myself at one point) stumble through life, operating on belief systems from our past, wondering what we’re doing wrong and why it’s so hard to create the growth and expansion we so badly want and need.
The truth is, sometimes the most talented, amazing, beautiful, gifted beings (like you!) don’t allow themselves to have wealth, happiness, vitality and love.
I know – it sounds a bit silly, right? But I promise you, it’s true. Many people inadvertently block themselves from receiving what they want most.
But the good news is–you don’t have to be stuck, frustrated, and in lack ANY longer!
Abundance in every area of your life CAN be yours!
I’ve created a proven system to strip away your Belief patterns and re-build your subconscious foundation in alignment with the highest energetic frequency. As you go through this process, you will simultaneously be receiving powerful energetic transmissions that elevate your vibration and skyrocket you into the abundant frequency of your True Self.
After just three days you will be a completely new person on a cellular level. You will leave the workshop with the tools to continue expanding into your highest self and the energy transmission to help support you on your journey!
Rikka’s appearances in leading publications

Check Out the Video
See what a Life Transformed™ class is really like
You are the Master Creator
—so what is it you want to create?
Join Us for 3 Days of Powerful Facilitation, Realignment Activations, Energy Transmissions, Sacred Alchemy, Sound Healings and more!
Event Dates & Schedule
November 15th – 17th, 2019
9:00 am – Noon
Morning facilitation with Rikka
The First Key to Manifest Your Greatest Future: Discover how to align with the frequency of your abundant True Self
Noon – 1:00 pm
1:00 – 3:00 pm
Complimentary Breakthrough Sessions with an Adventure In Oneness Team Member
3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Afternoon facilitation with Rikka
Clearing Your Blocks: Uncovering limiting beliefs, the 3 energies of separation & the Return to Love Activation
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Complimentary Breakthrough Sessions with an Adventure In Oneness Team Member
9:00 am – Noon
Morning facilitation with Rikka
Clearing Your Separation with Money: Learn how to choose money so you can increase your wealth
Noon – 1:00 pm
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Complimentary Breakthrough Sessions with an Adventure In Oneness Team Member
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Afternoon facilitation with Rikka
Experience Choosing from Source’s Infinite Menu: Stop Accidentally Repeating Limited Patterns
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Deep Dive with Rikka
Ignite the Vibration of Your Life’s True Purpose
9:00 am – Noon
Morning facilitation with Rikka
Clearing Your Separation with Relationships: Be able to give and receive unconditional love and discover radical self acceptance
Noon – 1:00 pm
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Complimentary Breakthrough Sessions with an Adventure In Oneness Team Member
3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Afternoon facilitation with Rikka
Clearing Your Separation with Your Body: Heal your body to experience vitality and health
Arrival & Departure:
If you are traveling to Sydney for this class, we recommend you arrive the day before class on November 14th and registration will be at 9am on November 15th. Class ends 4:30pm on November 17.
Get All the Pieces of the Puzzle for Total Transformation
Powerful Facilitation
Experience powerful transformation as you laugh, learn, and play as Rikka guides you to align with Source energy. Each retreat is tailored specifically to the energy of the participants and this is where you will make some of your biggest breakthroughs and transformations.
Rikka will guide you into your own Divine, sacred nature – opening your intuition and unleashing the magnificent light within you so you can transform wealth, health, relationships and overall happiness in just 3 days.
Energy Transmission
Rikka has a unique ability to work directly with your energy; empowering you to experience lasting expansion and growth. Her gift as a transformational energy alchemist will advance your process of shedding your outdated beliefs and guide you into the highest frequency of Love and into the highest expression of yourself.
One-On-One Private Coaching Breakthrough Session
During the 3-day workshop, you will have the opportunity to work one-on-one with a Life Transformed™ Certified Coach, who has been trained by Rikka, to explore your goals, to set your intentions, and deepen your understanding of the material by receiving personal support and guidance.
Ceremonial Empowerments & Energy Exercises from Ancient Wisdom Traditions
Work with our Energetic Superstars to embody and deepen the teachings through sound healing, essential oil alchemies and more!
Join Us for
3 Life-Changing Days with Rikka
bring a friend for free!
* more details on this page *
The retail value of this 3 day event with Rikka is $997! But you don't pay that. You pay only $197 for 3 life-changing days with Rikka...
Only $197 AUD
Have Questions? Contact Marita Wright.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 6 (140) 825-7128
When You Register, You BRING A FRIEND FOR FREE!
Let’s exponentially spread abundance throughout the world therefore upgrading the vibration of the collective consciousness!
There is miraculous power that occurs when we come together.
Because of our natural abilities to love, support and nurture unconditionally– we not only help heal and lift each other up, we also send this incredible vibration out into the world.
(After you register, you will receive an email in the upcoming days to RSVP your friend. Start asking around NOW!)

Why I’m Offering This Live Event for Just $197
Because consider this…what if you could show up in the world as the abundant, loving, joyful, fun, vibrant, free, magnificent person that you innately ARE… and spread that contagious energy to everyone who crosses your path?
Think what an impact this would have on your own life, and then how it would positively affect those around you, and then the people who encounter those people… it’s the ripple effect!
In this way, we have the biggest impact on the Collective Consciousness of our precious planet.
My in-person events are usually upward of $1,000, but once a year, I offer a class that can touch as many people as possible. Since money is one of the biggest blocks for most people to show-up, I have made this a no-brainer, and eliminated that (preconceived) block!
During these 3 Days You Will:
- Stop playing small to avoid judgment and release the resistance and fear
- Connect with the bright, brilliant, beautiful message you are here to share with the world
- Step into the greatness you are destined for – and start living the life of your dreams
- Enjoy deep, meaningful relationships full of love
- And so much more!
Castlereagh Boutique Hotel
169 Castlereagh Street Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
A touch of “old-world charm” with a convenient location in the heart of Sydney CBD.
The Castlereagh Boutique Hotel is a beautiful, heritage-listed building with 83 boutique hotel rooms and elegantly-restored bar, dining and function areas.
Our location on bustling Castlereagh Street, in between Hyde Park and the Queen Victoria Building, offers a convenient and affordable CBD hotel stay for corporate and leisure guests with theatres, shopping and Sydney’s best dining all nearby.

Check Out Rikka’s Workshop In Sunshine Coast Qld
How to Magically Heal and Transform any Aspect of Your Life
November 9th from 1-5 pm
During this workshop you will:
- Discover the energetic solution to transform any part of your body and life.
- Experience Rikka’s Six Step Healing System that will allow you to create transformation with any emotional or physical trauma.
- Awaken your innate healing capacities to use in your life, or the lives of your clients.
- Discover the mysterious properties of working with Selenite Swords of light and Rikka’s secret healing techniques.
Cost: $40 AUD
Where: Bloomhill Centre, 58 Ballinger Road, BUDERIM QLD 4556
What people say about class with Rikka

My life will never be the same and I am more in touch with the love, light and joy that is me and my purpose on planet earth than I have ever been and wow, I am feeling it more and more every day!!!
I have been on the transformational path for 5 years and after much searching, seeking and striving this has finally brought me home…to me.
Melissa Bradley, founder of Love Your Magical Life
Before I left I wasn’t able to pay my rent and travel expenses, now my rent is flowing in with kindness, love and appreciation from old clients and new. I love my life! It’s so much fun being an angel Hugs and appreciate beyond words to all of you.
Deni, Marietta, GA

I released so much stress and tension in this class; I feel I have been lifted into a whole new way of being.

I learned that I love that warm, beautiful, precious tender self that I have always been, I just forgot. I know now how to surrender to the depths of my infinite self to bring me into total love. I feel so much more spacious, loving, self-loving, present, and purpose filled.

I experienced a divine homecoming and disintegration of the illusionary blocks and integration of my real loving, angelic essence.

I received so much from this class! What I loved most is seeing my true self-divine love being, one with all, one with god. I feel total bliss and peace, and love. total love.

Before this class, I had low self-esteem and lived in a very small, quiet box and didn’t allow many people in. As a result of this class, I feel complete and total forgiveness of my parents. I feel as though I’m bursting with love and complete acceptance for myself and others and a deep sense of connection with other people and my guides and angels.

Rikka is so powerful and full of knowing, guidance and LOVE. I felt so loved in this class by her and all the others, more than I’ve felt in a millenium. I feel lighter, clearer, and more whole; I have me back!!

In this class, I opened the highway to heaven and met and experienced and embodied god. I came home to me in this class and it feels so great and possible to stay here infinitely.

I have moved into so much more love – being love and receiving love. The pain in my body has reduced and I am open and receptive.
Join Us for
3 Life-Changing Days with Rikka
bring a friend for free!
* more details on this page *
The retail value of this 3 day event with Rikka is $997! But you don't pay that. You pay only $197 for 3 life-changing days with Rikka...
Only $197 AUD
Have Questions? Contact Marita Wright.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 6 (140) 825-7128
Live In Person Events: Adventure in Oneness® does not offer program refunds for any reason. There is no drop-out option. To protect the integrity and quality of the Life Transformed™ experience for all participants, participation in the program is nontransferable.
* Price does not include travel, accommodations or food. *