Awakening Your Divine Superpowers

Discover how to access your buried talents and potential to create YOUR magical life

Kohala Coast, Hawaii | Oct 27 – Nov 2, 2019

A Note from

Rikka Zimmerman

Beautiful Soul, in just 7 extraordinary days, you will energetically transform on every level and return to the magical essence of who you truly are.

I will energetically unveil your Divine Superpowers with new advanced tools that are only available within the highest vibration in perfect alignment. Using this potent alignment, you will be guided step-by-step into creating the most magical life.

Watch The Transformation That’s Possible

During our time together, you will:

  • Experience massive energetic shifts that allow you to bask in the vibration of bliss, joy, and ecstasy – while falling in love with yourself and your life
  • Discover the keys to unlocking your best life. You’ll learn how to experience the relationships, unconditional love, wealth, happiness, and freedom you’ve always wished for
  • Feel a sense of freedom and expansion that are greater than anything you’ve ever experienced before
  • Gain a deep sense of how loved you are, which will positively affect how you interpret and react to your life experiences
  • Unveil talents, abilities and possibilities that don’t yet exist here and are waiting for you to receive
  • Embody new ways to surpass any current limitations or struggles and rise above to a life beyond your wildest imagination

Here’s A Glimpse of Your Typical Day…

Each day will include facilitations of potent, palpable, vibrational shifts to transcend all limitations, you will participate in a variety of interactive sessions that will infinitely expand your life and allow you to transform in more ways than one!

Wake Up to The Singing of Island Birds

Wake up early to the music of the indigenous birds who reside at the gorgeous Fairmont Orchid Resort. Start your day with a walk on the beach or meditate to connect in to the peace of the Island.

Morning QiGong

Let your body relax and flow as it integrates the powerful transformations into every cell of your being and all your energy layers.

Delicious & Healthy Food

Nourish your body with a healthy, delicious breakfast offered at the Resort or go off site to a nearby eatery just minutes up the road.

Celebration & Dancing

Be welcomed to class with some FUN, soul-enlivening music and dancing with Rikka and your fellow retreat-mates to raise your vibration, align your frequency and prepare you for what will be a transformational day, guaranteed!

Morning Session with Rikka

Experience powerful transformation as you laugh, learn, and play as Rikka takes you through morning meditations and facilitations. Each retreat is tailored specifically to the energy of the participants and this is where you will make some of your biggest breakthroughs and transformations.

Island Play

At break you may be given an “island play” assignment. Take time to practice mindfulness down at the beach by connecting with the water – our life-force energy. Or you and a partner do an exercise with one another in the beauty of the sun, the ocean views, the palm trees in the wind!

Ceremonial Empowerments & Energy Exercises from Ancient Wisdom Traditions

After the break, you will work with my Energetic Superstars to embody and deepen the teachings through sound healing, breath work, essential oil alchemies and more! This transition helps you absorb the morning teachings in to your energy body and preps you for more stimulating facilitation from Rikka.

Afternoon Session with Rikka

Rikka will guide you into your own Divine, sacred nature–opening your intuition and unleashing the magnificent light within you!

Swimming with the Dolphins

On a Dolphin Swim day, you will have the opportunity to have your entire world be blown away by swimming with the wild spinner dolphins and experiencing life-changing downloads from these multi-dimensional beings. Grab your suit, sunscreen, and underwater camera, and get ready to have the most magical day of your life!

Sunset Singing Bowls & Rikka’s Songs

At day’s end, the group may go to the water and take in the stunning Hawaiian sunset together, while having our bodies be nourished and aligned with Rikka’s tonings to powerful, high-vibration singing bowls. You will join her in song and celebration as we make stunning music together to end just one of 7 perfect days.

Evening with YOU

The rest is for you to meditate, walk, swim, read, visit with your fellow retreat-mates and your angel guides, pontificate on the day, and simply marvel.

Arrival & Departure:

Class begins October 27th at 9am Hawaiian time. We recommend that you arrive at least the night before, if not much earlier, to get acclimated and enjoy Hawaii. We will end class around 4pm on November 2nd and have a wrap-up celebration afterward. You can make a late-night flight on that day if you need to get home, but we recommend you not rushing back if you don’t have to.

Are You Ready To Receive the Big Islands Sacred Gifts?

This experiential retreat is designed to bring us into total alignment with Source as we play with the concentrated energy that is present on the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii.

We will:

  • Reveal the unique mysteries and inner essence held in Hawaiian nature and how its wisdom can act as a guide to playing with the elements.
  • Communicate with dolphins—a communication beyond words—as they bless us with frequencies of light to awaken latent potential within our bodies and spirits.
  • Allow the ocean to wash away your old patterns that are keeping you “stuck” – even if you aren’t aware of them. This will help you let go of old pain and trauma, so you can begin again from a brand-new space of creation!
  • Tap into the power of the volcanoes so they can awaken us to the potency of creation.

Awesome Bonus!!!

Rikka's Fully Awakened Divine Feminine

7 Week Livestream Course

Open the sacred vaults of the Divine Feminine and turn your life into an ecstasy-filled dream come true! During this 7 week online livestream class, you will step out of your patterns of unworthiness and uncover the presence of the Goddess within. As you awaken your Divine Feminine, you will enter the flow of receiving, feel turned on by life, and embrace all its pleasures. This class will show you how to feel powered by the energetic love of everything that is.

This Course is divided into 7 modules and includes 14 hours of interactive livestreams with Rikka, experiential exercises and mp3s to keep forever.

$497 Value. You get it FREE when registering!

Join Us for

Becoming the Mystical Alchemy of You

Kauai, Hawaii | October 22 - 27, 2023

(special in class tuition - FOR A LIMITED TIME!)


Note: If you are choosing the payment plan, the full tuition for this event must be paid in full prior the first day of class on October 21, 2023. When you select the payment plan option, you will place a down payment of $997 to secure your spot. Your final payment balance will automatically charge on the same credit card October 21st.


Connect with our ISLAND ANGEL – MELISSA BRADLEY and she will help you!
Phone: 808-866-0221
Email:  [email protected]

Will You Join Me & Escape to a Stunning Oceanside Resort on The Beautiful Big Island of Hawaii?


The Fairmont Orchid is a luxury Hawaiian Island resort and spa beautifully located on the majestic Kohala Coast. You’ll spend 7 days surrounded by 32 oceanfront acres of lush tropical gardens, cascading waterfalls and a tranquil white sand beach and lagoon.

Resort amenities feature an award-winning Spa Without Walls, a 10,000 square foot oceanfront pool, Hui Holokai Beach Club offering ocean and cultural activities, six restaurants, and much more!

Celebrate sunset with exquisite oceanfront dining at Brown’s Beach House, casual island inspired favorites at Hale Kai restaurant, or live entertainment nightly at Luana Lounge. For a memorable evening steeped in tradition and history, enjoy a Hawaii Loa Luau under the stars.

*** We have arranged for a deeply discounted accommodations reserved at the Fairmont Orchid.***

Here are the special prices to choose from:
Fairmont Garden View Room/ Single/Double: $229
Partial Ocean View Room/ Single/Double: $249- *must call to book this room*
Ocean View Room/ Single/Double: $279- *must call to book this room*


Or You Can Call Directly To Book:
Room Reservations: 1-800-845-9905.

***Be sure to tell them you are with Rikka Zimmerman/Adventure In Oneness group so you get the discounted rate.***

Extra Classes Available

During this retreat, you’ll also learn from my carefully-selected energetic superstars, who will be there to support you and your vibrational expansion as much as possible during this week of total AWESOMENESS!

The Nature of Your Highest Self-Healing Session with Nikole Kadel


Join Nikole as she masterfully guides you in surrendering fully to your divine connection with this Earth, so that you and your body can receive, energetically supported in every moment. Just imagine receiving contribution from everywhere and everything! During this class, you’ll tap into a world of magical vibrational frequencies that we don’t even have words for! The Earth and you are connected in Oneness! The elements of the Earth are the elements of your body. There is no separation.

About Nikole:
Nikole Kadel is a gifted healer and multi-talented Being of magnitude. She connects people to the wonderment of their true nature. She has always seen the world differently, which is one of her potent gifts. Working with the healing capacities she’s had since a young age, Nikole offers highly sought after, private sessions of hands-on energetic healing that is truly out of this world.

Nikole finds joys in co-creating the Adventure in Oneness worldwide live events. She loves contributing her own knowing, space, and being to the process, observing each person blossom like a beautiful, one-of-a-kind flower, freshly empowered to choose a life that’s far greater than anything they ever imagined possible.

Morning Qigong and Energy Movement with Bill Smith!


We ask Bill to teach at our events to help our bodies integrate and flow with all the transformation that takes place. Participating in the morning Qigong will further unlock and integrate the body’s superpowers. It works wonders! His teaching style makes it relevant and accessible to all.

About Bill:
Bill Smith is a leading moving meditation and body energy expert. He guides people to embody relaxation, creativity and strength by bringing a modern approach to ancient teachings for the body such as tai chi and qi gong. He has facilitated thousands of people from all around the world for over 30 years to bring their bodies and lives into alignment, radiant health and joyous flow. His teaching style makes it relevant and accessible to all.

Sacred Alchemy with Peter May


Master Alchemist, Peter May, will lead you on an exciting journey into activating your Divine Superpowers. You will experience acoustically-tuned plant and mineral alchemical formulations, healing music of the plants, Solfeggio and binaural tones. This will assist you to embody and deepen the teachings through illuminating experiences with breath, sound healing, essential oil alchemies, energy exercises, moving meditations and ceremonial empowerments from ancient wisdom traditions all designed to unlock your true potential.

About Peter:
Peter May is a multi-realmed alchemist from Crestone, Colorado who partners with Nature to support healing, balance, and peace. Embodying the love of plants and music throughout his life, Peter began distilling essential oils in 2006.

That same year, he played on and co-produced the Grammy award winning album Crestone with Paul Winter. Peter creates acoustically-tuned plant and mineral alchemies with essential oils, and offers them in his Sound Journeys to support increased awareness and healing on the levels of body, energy, and mind.

Check Out these Incredible TRUE Stories from Participants

At the Hawaii retreat, I gave myself the permission to let go, and let the emotions of anger and rage scream out of my system. On the other side, I felt a blissful, sensual feeling. Upon returning from the retreat, I’m enjoying a job that I had resented and detested before Hawaii, I’ve changed the people I’m spending time with and feeling at peace. I’ve been laughing at the the craziness at work; I feel no anger,  no guilt,  just calm. It is a beautiful feeling that I didn’t think was possible!

Linda, California

It’s tough to put my experience with Rikka in Hawaii into words, I felt like I was with my long lost soul family. I have started down the path of a new career, my true calling, which is so fun and exciting! People have made comments to me like “What did you do in Hawaii, you are so happy?” I have been out in public and met random people and had amazing conversations; it’s almost like I’m a magnet for more conscious-seeking like-minded people.

The class in Hawaii was the best investment I have ever made in myself;  I stepped into more beauty and bliss in one week than in 7 years of spiritual work!

Brennan, California

I released so much stress and tension in this class; I feel I have been lifted into a whole new way of being.

Clare R, Ireland

I learned that I love that warm, beautiful, precious tender self that I have always been, I just forgot. I know now how to surrender to the depths of my infinite self to bring me into total love. I feel so much more spacious, loving, self-loving, present, and purpose filled.

Arianna Z, Alberta

I experienced a divine homecoming and disintegration of the illusionary blocks and integration of my real loving, angelic essence.

David B, Los Angeles, CA

I received so much from this class! What I loved most is seeing my true self-divine love being, one with all, one with god. I feel total bliss and peace, and love. total love.

Natalia B., Atlanta, GA

Before this class, I had low self-esteem and lived in a very small, quiet box and didn’t allow many people in. As a result of this class, I feel complete and total forgiveness of my parents. I feel as though I’m bursting with love and complete acceptance for myself and others and a deep sense of connection with other people and my guides and angels.

Meg H, Washington

Rikka is so powerful and full of knowing, guidance and LOVE. I felt so loved in this class by her and all the others, more than I’ve felt in a millenium. I feel lighter, clearer, and more whole; I have me back!!

Madeleine W, Providence, RI

In this class, I opened the highway to heaven and met and experienced and embodied god. I came home to me in this class and it feels so great and possible to stay here infinitely.

Desiree G, France

I have moved into so much more love – being love and receiving love. The pain in my body has reduced and I am open and receptive.

Hilary, Switzerland
The Magic of the Big Island is Calling!

Take a moment and picture yourself Oceanside, immersed the volcanic creation energy that infuses the magical Big Island of Hawaii… Imagine diving deep into new higher dimension of energetic ecstasy, flowing with vibrations of bliss and joy beyond your wildest imagination…

Leave the hustle and bustle behind, turn off your cell-phone, and give yourself the space to break through your deepest limitations as we quickly get to the root of all the things that are keeping you from your True Self!

You CAN wake up every day to the glorious experience of pure joy!  Join me in Hawaii and I’ll guide you into total alignment where you can experience an entirely new echelon of energy, joy, and complete ease and fulfillment.

Join Us for

Becoming the Mystical Alchemy of You

Kauai, Hawaii | October 22 - 27, 2023

(special in class tuition - FOR A LIMITED TIME!)


Note: If you are choosing the payment plan, the full tuition for this event must be paid in full prior the first day of class on October 21, 2023. When you select the payment plan option, you will place a down payment of $997 to secure your spot. Your final payment balance will automatically charge on the same credit card October 21st.


Connect with our ISLAND ANGEL – MELISSA BRADLEY and she will help you!
Phone: 808-866-0221
Email:  [email protected]

Offer Details

Live In Person Events: Adventure in Oneness® does not offer program refunds for any reason. There is no drop-out option. To protect the integrity and quality of the Life Transformed™ experience for all participants, participation in the program is nontransferable.

* Price does not include travel, accommodations or food. *